Breast Lift

Possible incision in mastopexy

Surgical Intervention: Lifting and shaping sagging breasts and nipples.

Surgery time: 1-3 hours

Anesthesia: General anesthesia or local anesthesia under sedation in very limited interventions

Stay at hospital: Usually 1 day, outpatient in minor interventions.

Possible inconveniences: Temporary bruises, swelling, insensitivity-temporary drying of the skin, scars from surgery.

Risks: Prominence of scars, infection, skin damage, asymmetry of nipples, loss of sensation in the skin.

After the surgery, the dressing is applied and bra is worn until the stitches recover.

Back to work: In 1-2 weeks.

Heavy exercise: In 1 month.

Fading of scars: Several months to 1 year.